2024 – 2025 Election

2024-2025 Elections

Chance Fiorisi
Endorsements: Video Game Association, Dickinson Town Council (DTC), Mountainview College Council (MCC), College in the Woods (CIW)

I. Sexual Assault Oversight Board
Students do not have oversight over sexual assault resources on campus. As president, I will
create a board of students, some in SA leadership and others from other departments on campus,
to gather and collect information on our sexual assault resources. With this we will have a say in
whether or not our resources are efficient and accessible. Students should dictate whether or not
our resources are good enough, nobody else.

II. President’s Council
I will push to codify into our governing documents a working president’s council, made up of
organizational leadership and the SA president. With this body, we will better work together to
bring campus leaders together in finding ways to resolve issues on campus. As president, I
represent all students in the SA, but that representation also comes with collaboration.

III. Transparency
People need to know what the SA is and does, and with this in mind I will host weekly fireside
chats on social media, release monthly letters on what the president is doing and host
collaborative town halls with clubs. Transparency matters not only to you, but to me.

IV. Accountability
With student leaders, I will help spread awareness of the injustices on campus and bring
documented reports to the administration.

Christopher Ribaric
Endorsements: Professional Fraternity Council (PFC), Phi Chi Theta, Panhellenic Fraternity Council (PFC)

1. Unleash Congress’ Potential– The Student Association Congress has done excellent
work this school year in addressing student concerns regarding combating antisemitism,
islamophobia, and xenophobia. Congress has also passed resolutions protecting free
speech on campus, as well as establishing screen printing services with the School of the
Arts. As President, I will be working much closer with Congress than previous
administrations to build on this momentum.

2. Mental Health– We experienced tragedies this year as a student body, and while some
progress has been made by administration, we must continue to ensure more capital &
resources are available. Advancing the recently passed M.A.P.S. resolution will be one of
my utmost priorities.

3. Culture Change/Internal Reform– Rebuilding a culture of collaboration and friendship
between the E-Board, Congress, and subsidiary organizations of the SA is paramount.
Too often, previous administrations have experienced infighting and dysfunction. We’re
all playing for the same team, and we need to bring ourselves together rather than exclude
individuals and groups from important conversations. As President, I will try and give the
BU Council Rep. and Speaker amplified voices within the office.

4. DEI/Sustainability– We need to keep our multicultural organizations/communities happy
& in the fold, as they are a large part of what makes our university great. OCCT
sustainability endeavors will also be vital.

McKenzie Skrastins
Endorsements: Rainbow Pride Union (RPU), Asian Student Union (ASU), Off Campus College Council (OC3)

I would be a great SA President because I have a unique perspective when it comes to the
SA; I understand how unknown the SA is to the general student body, and I have also served in
the President’s cabinet, so I understand the good the SA can do for Binghamton. Having been on
both sides, I know what the SA President needs to do to effectively reach the student body and
make a difference.

1.) I will break the barrier between the Student Association and the students. I will do
this through monthly fireside chats, an increase in social media outreach, and student
organization collaboration.

2.) I will increase the accessibility of mental health resources around campus. I would
like to work with the UCC and different research departments around the university to
create paid mental health screenings for students, with the intent that the data collected
could be used in studies.

3.) As SA President, I will strengthen and redefine the relationships between student
groups and the administration. I will accomplish this by organizing and facilitating
meetings between these organizations and the administration, and by continuing our town
hall series.

4.) I will work towards a more diverse campus by creating DEI panels during Admitted
Students Day and freshman orientation, and by creating a form that students (who partake
in celebrations not recognized by the university) can fill out to get the day off without the
repercussions of missing school related work.

Batia Rabin
Endorsements: Rainbow Pride Union (RPU), Dickinson Town Council (DTC), Off Campus College Council (OC3), Mountainview College Council (MCC), College in the Woods Council (CIW)

As the current Internal Affairs Chair within SA Congress I have knowledge and experience
helping new clubs through the chartering process and will bring that experience and efficiency to
the role of EVP through the following platform plans:

1. Storage

a. Currently clubs are having a very difficult time obtaining storage. I want to
overhaul the way storage allocation works and try to provide more clubs with
storage faster.
b. Some storage spaces that clubs already have are crowded, disorganized, and
messy. I want to provide shelves, boxes and other storage equipment to clubs that want it.

2. Transparency & Efficiency

a. For many clubs trying to receive services from the EVP’s office it can seem like
things take a long time for no reason. I want to send weekly update emails to any
clubs in correspondence with me and get things done fast and efficiently.

3. Ufest

a. Ufest is currently being held on Saturdays every year which can make it difficult
for observant Jews to participate, I want to move Ufest to Sunday.

Caitlin McMahon
Endorsements: Rainbow Pride Union (RPU), Binghamton Finance Society, Dickinson Town Council (DTC), PriceWaterhouseCoopers Scholars Program (PwC), Asian Student Union (ASU), Women in Finance, Off Campus College Council (OC3), Mountainview College Council (MCC), College in the Woods Council (CIW)

My platform is centered around four pillars to implement positive change within the Student
Association for Binghamton students.

Approachability: Open communication between Student Association entities and the Vice
President for Finance office is critical. I will be accessible through daily office hours, launching
an office social media, and offering options of regular recurring check-ins for long-term success.

Responsibility: Student Association organization members take on the financial burden of
purchasing items for events and must wait to be reimbursed. I will work to offer an optional
alternative for in-store purchases to alleviate financial concerns, so members can focus on
providing impactful events to the student body.

Efficiency: Treasurer training is an important aspect of being the President or Treasurer of a
student group. Currently, treasurer training happens early in the Fall semester. I will work to
introduce an online modular treasurer training that’s accessible throughout the academic year,
while also continuing in-person training options.

Transparency: I will prioritize transparency in all aspects of the role, but will specifically
dedicate time to improve the communication of OCCT. Developing timely communication
regarding route changes and cancellations, improving ETA SPOT, and reworking the earnings
structure of OCCT driver training.

Jonathan Gee

As Vice President for Finance, I will have 3 main focuses during my time in office:

effectiveness, communication, and inclusivity.

Effectiveness: Student organizations work so hard
to provide an amazing environment for students. In
turn, the Vice President for Finance office needs to
make sure their needs are being met in order to keep
these organizations going! I will strive to make sure
that my office is running smoothly and effectively
in order to best serve these organizations.

Communication: Communication is key! In order for any office to function, there
needs to be communication between the Vice President for Finance office and
student organizations. This will mainly come in the form of emails and in addition
to that, my office will always be open for anyone to come in for a conversation.

Inclusivity: I will endeavor to have organizations’ needs met and voices heard. I
will accomplish this by connecting with them throughout the year via meetings and
emails. I will always keep my door open for any and all!

Luca Cassidy
Endorsements: Rainbow Pride Union (RPU), Dickinson Town Council (DTC), Asian Student Union (ASU), Off Campus College Council (OC3), Mountainview College Council (MCC), College in the Woods Council (CIW), Ukrainian Cultural Association, Hindu Student Council

1. Health

– Revive the Rave: bring back the end of year rave for a final release of stress before finals
– Build the Healing Garden: revitalize the meditation labyrinth into a beautiful healing garden
maintained by students
– Anti-Suicide Legislation: lobby with students across the state for a law that requires all colleges
to institute more anti-sucide protocal
– Plan B Vending Machine: help pass a bill in Albany that will require such machines at every SUNY/CUNY campuses

2. Finance

– More Grants: work to expand the grant list I already created to connect student groups to more
– More Sponsorships: connect students with more sponsorships, like how I did with Celscius
– More Ambassadorships: connect students with ambassadors programs to bring more free
merchandise to campus

3. Civic Engagement

– 3rd Annual Multicultural Voting Fair: provide massive amounts of free food and energy drinks
to entice civic behavior
– Chalk the Vote: work together with student groups and students to chalk up the campus with
pro-voting slogans and arrows to the poll site before election day
– Recruit Student Poll Workers: this election year we will need more poll workers than ever and
it is an easy way to make $100 for students

Jules Verrino
Endorsements: Binghamton Automotive Enthusiast’s Club, Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

Join the Journey:
This is a collective and inclusive journey towards positive change and improvement. My campaign is not just about winning a position but about embarking on a journey with the student body. Each student should receive equal representation to shape the direction of this journey.

Upperclassmen Connections:
Events allowing freshmen to build connections with experienced upperclassmen. Their hindsight is your advantage in foreseeing upcoming challenges. Opportunity to share information about campus, classes, organizations, and more.

Life Skills:
Cooking classes for dorm-friendly simple meals! Can expand to laundry, cleaning, around-the-house repairs, and general life survival skills that come with adjusting to living on your own for the first time.

I will address issues with determination to find the problem and directly solve it without excessive hesitation. As an engineer, I am an analytical person who can logically locate solutions and implicate them.

I want open communication with the office through social media polling and events. Student feedback is essential to success. Something is not working? Not heard? Let us change that.

Krizia Yao
Endorsements: Asian Student Union (ASU), Mountainview College Council (MCC), College in the Woods Council (CIW), Rainbow Pride Union (RPU), SHADES

My name is Krizia Yao and I hold much love for this university’s multicultural
community. I wish to uplift it, foster belonging, and create policies of equity. I have
attained much experience as a student leader, including being Cultural Chair for the
PAL, Activities Director for SHADES, Community Engagement Coordinator for the
VPMA Office, and Mentor and Lead TRIO Mentor for SSS.


○ Discord server to promote events and build rapport amongst
○ Streamline multicultural events via shared Google Calendar
○ Create a series of videos as a guide to students new to the
multicultural community for Instagram, the MRC website, and
○ Beautify the Binghamton University campus with POC art


○ Build a robust alumni network for students of color through regular
networking events and LinkedIn
○ Priority room booking for multicultural organizations on the 3rd floor
and select parts of the Union
○ Introduce ghost credits, develop financial literacy workshops, and
advocate for an emergency fund for first-gen/low-income students
and students of color


○ Educational series of events/graphics on a different issue that affects
people of color every month
○ Highlight multicultural achievements and emerging organizations on
the VPMA newsletter
○ Advocate for more DEI classes to be added to gen-ed requirements

Najat Hussein
Endorsements: Dickinson Town Council (DTC)

Hello Everyone! My name is Najat Hussein and I’m a junior majoring in Philosophy, Politics, and Law with a minor in Digital and Data Studies.

I have built my platform around expanding resources available to students low-income students of color and fostering community building through partnership with the following initiatives:

1. Serve as a resource for newly founded cultural organizations through the chartering

2. Expanding on a student flea/ art show event that highlights talented students of color that
I am currently working on with SAPB.

3. Collaborating with VPMAs of residential communities on monthly newsletters to
promote campus events and enhance cultural awareness.

4. Work with the MRC to build stronger partnerships among students, faculty, and alumni of
color through department mixers and collaborative events.

5. Covering expenses for professional organizations of color to attend professional
development conferences and national conventions.

6. Ticket funding for international, SSS, TRIO, and EOP students to attend cultural events –
especially geared towards lowerclassmen, international, and transfer students.

7. Maintaining open communication with administration in addressing issues of
discrimination within the university community through education, dialogue, and policy

8. Collaborate with student leaders to address intersectional issues and promote solidarity
among diverse student groups.

Atticus Fauci
Endorsements: Off Campus College Council (OC3), College in the Woods Council (CIW)

SAPB is the most satisfying organization I have been a part of. It outranks
being President of College Democrats, Eboard for Club Lacrosse, Social for
Newing Community, and maybe even being an on air DJ for WHRW (Tuesdays
830am-10am). I’ve met some of my closest friends and had some of my favorite
memories in the short time I have been an EBoard member for Sapb and am
excited for continued success. If I am successful and given the opportunity, here
are some of my goals and initiatives for next year.

New Initiatives I would bring to the table-

● Increased Sports Programming through our collabs and fundraising
committee with events such as a skills competition with our d1 basketball
players, increasing attendance with our sports programs, organizing tailgates
for big games.
● Working closely with WHRW through our Bump committee to allow more
student bands to perform and find exposure. I’m proposing tiny desk
concerts in the lobby of whrw next year, more recordings from the big
names we bring in vocally supporting Binghamton University
● A more creative outlook when it comes to marketing with an increase in
enrollment with our marketing committee, i.e. personalized posters for
Battle of the Bands, increased production value in marketing strategies.
● Connections throughout the school, I am a student who has always tried to
be active and take advantage of everything I can, and therefore have made
many contacts with numerous orgs throughout the university. An aspect I
think is crucially important.

SAPB in general has been a successful org and I promise continued success with
our several other committees, Concerts, Insights, Comedy, Festivals, etc. I love
working with others and collaborating to get things done and believe I have a good
track record to follow with events such as Giancarlo Esposito and Successful
professor spotlights such as Ryan Vaughan and Anne Bailey.

Thank you,
Atticus Fauci

Ryan Miller

As VPP, I will ensure that students feel excited for and represented by all events, and always have
opportunities for involvement and feedback. I will focus on expanding student involvement in SAPB
through increased club collaboration and more opportunities within volunteer committees. Additionally, I
will organize more events that showcase talented students as vendors, openers, and main performers. To
improve outreach, I will arrange SAPB tabling in multiple locations around campus at the start of each
semester to inform students of volunteer committees, performance opportunities, and provide students
with the chance to share their wishes and feedback.

To ensure that student’s voices are heard, in addition
to holding regular office hours, I will implement a suggestion box at the end of this semester that will
remain open all year for students to share their requests for the future and provide feedback after events. I
aim to increase our social media presence, as well as improve our advertising around campus to ensure
positive student engagement and enjoyment. I am passionate about connecting the campus community
through SAPB, and I will prioritize the student body, ensuring that they feel represented by all events, and
guarantee that their wishes are fulfilled.

Siriki Doumbia
Endorsements: Mountainview College Council (MCC)

1. Get to know me
Age: 22 years old
From: Ivory Coast, West Africa
Languages: French, English
Major: Finance and Business Analytics
Hobbies: Basketball, Soccer, Music,
Classic movies

2. What I believe in
Diversity, Inclusivity, Trust

3. Why vote for me?
I am committed to forming a diverse team to
facilitate inclusive events where everyone feels
My goal is to foster a strong sense of community and
belonging at our events, ensuring that attendees are
eager to remain engaged for as long as possible.
By hosting events that cater to a wide range of
campus groups, I aim to rebuild trust between SAPB
and the broader student body.

Mackenzie Cooper
Endorsements: Rainbow Pride Union (RPU), Dickinson Town Council (DTC), Off Campus College Council (OC3), Mountainview College Council (MCC), College in the Woods Council (CIW)




i. Between 10 PM Friday evenings and 11:59 PM Sunday evenings, all
parking spots should be open to campus residents
ii. Various lots around campus to be converted from commuter lots to
resident and commuter lots (preferably lots C, F, T, and P)
iii. Permission for commuter and resident parking at UDC


i. Increased advertisement that the parking garage by Couper
Administration is open for student use (at a price)
ii. Push for a second parking garage to be built in the back of M Lot for
student use



i. Monthly meetings with SA President, GSO President, and myself


i. Town halls in collaboration with SA President, GSO President, and myself
ii. Google form on SA website and BU Council Instagram

3. IMPROVING OCCT (in collaboration with VPF)


i. Sign up automated texting service to let students know when buses will
be running late
ii. Update OCCT app


i. Direct bus line from UDC to ITC



i. Maintaining a healthy and active relationship with SUNY SA will allow us
to stay prominent on their policy agenda
ii. Closer connection to the SUNY Board of Trustees and SUNY Chancellor

5. BU COUNCIL COMMITTEE (continuation of Nora’s committee idea)


i. Committee will provide stronger constituent outreach and help answer to
form responses


i. Serve on the Mental Health Advisory Board
ii. Continue to distribute BU Council mental health packets

Questions about the Student Association elections? Please contact elections@binghamtonsa.org or visit the SA Office, UUW 203 (past Visions).