Housing Advisory Project

Housing Advisory Project: Know Your Off-Campus Housing Rights!

The Binghamton Code Enforcement Office is there to ensure your off-campus housing is safe and up to code.

  • The Code Enforcement Office is a free resource if you believe your landlord is not fulfilling their responsibilities in providing a safe living environment.
  • You have the right to a free code inspection before signing your lease or moving in.
  • You can also authorize a Code Enforcement Office inspection once you’re a tenant.

We encourage all students to independently research and learn their rights under the City of Binghamton’s Building, Construction and Code Enforcement Department found online at: http://binghamton-ny.gov/departments/building-construction-zoning-and-code-enforcement/code-enforcement.

To avoid unnecessary conflict or deterioration of landlord/tenant relationships, residents should always attempt to address the safety and maintenance issues with their landlord first. However, if students ever feel their housing is unsafe or noncompliant with building safety codes and/or the landlord fails to properly maintain the residence, they’re always able to report these issues directly to the city’s Code Enforcement team.

For a free code safety inspection, call the Binghamton Code Enforcement Office at (607) 772-7010.

**The Housing Advisory Project was previously funded by the Binghamton University Town/Gown Advisory Board and operationally overseen by the SA Vice President for Academic Affairs, the SA Vice President for Multicultural Affairs, and the Binghamton University Council Student Representative. The SA was notified during the summer 2020 that University funding for the Housing Advisory Project was frozen due to massive budgetary reductions stemming from the coronavirus pandemic. We are unsure of when, or if, those funds will be reinstated. Unfortunately, as notice for the freezing of these funds came after the SA’s budget for the 2020-2021 academic year was approved by SA Congress, we are currently unable to fund the positions originally hired to oversee this program. The information contained on this webpage was created prior to that notice, but we wanted to ensure there’s an easy-to-find webpage for students that directs them to the City’s Code Enforcement office regulations and complaint submission page.**